  • 19,426 USD
    Last trade price
  • 3,905,780 USD
    24 hour volume
  • 20K+
    active users
  • Live Bitcoin price


Total investors



Total withdrawal



Total invested



Market Cap

About Us

about us


Digital Asset Vault is a legally operating company. We are a leading binary trading and investment company. Our team has vast experience in both binary trading, stock market and blockchain technology.

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strong security

Strong Security

Protection against DDoS attacks,
full data encryption

world coverage

World Coverage

Providing services in 99% countries
around all the globe

payment options

Payment Options

Our Major payment option is Crypto currency,
Which is accessible to all users world wide

mobile app

Mobile Access

Access Your Investment conveniently on your mobile phone any time, any where, any day.

cost efficiency

Cost Effective

Reasonable system fees for all platform users
across all market options.

high liquidity

High Liquidity

Our Platform offers high liquidity
for all investment options available to our users.

download bitcoin


Complete Our Details and Verify Your Email Address.

add bitcoins

Buy any of our packages

Fund your wallet and buy into any plan of your choice and watch our system trade for you.

buy and sell bitcoins

Start Earning

Instantly watch your investment grow. Pay Outs Every 60 Minutes

affordable packages

Purchase any of our packages today

Start your mining journey today with us!

Investment Calculator

Find out how much you will get with our easy-to-use converter


* Data updated every 15 minutes and its based on current return rate

Our team

Our talented team of experts.


Words from our investors.

Get Started Today With FXT Digital Asset Vault

We all have to start somewhere. Let us help get you on the right
track as you start your investment journey!

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